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Site Content & Design: Content Discovery


Keywords can be associated with dashboards, pages, individual files, and menu items. These keywords can be utilized in the Search and Explorer feature when pulling in results, as well as when determining which content to display on a page. A keyword page can be set up that will pull in all content tagged with the keyword.

To create a new keyword

  1. Navigate to the Content section in the backend of your Curator instance.
  2. Select Keywords from the Content dropdown.
  3. Click the New Keyword button.
  4. Assign a title to the new keyword (this will be the keyword that is created)
  5. From here you can check the box next to an existing piece of content to associate it with that keyword. This new keyword will now be available in the keywords list when creating new pieces of content as well.

To link a keyword to a Dashboard:

  1. While editing a Dashboard, click on the Misc tab.
  2. Scroll to the Discovery section.
  3. Select the Search Keywords field.
  4. Type in the text for the first keyword.
  5. Check the box next to the desired keyword.
  6. Click the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

The above process is used for linking keywords to pages and files as well. To link a keyword to a menu item, first create the menu item, then link it to the desired keyword in the Keywords section.